Tuesday 9 February 2016

InstantK Survey : The Subjects you wish were easier!

Hello everyone,

There was always one or two subjects in every semester, be it any branch, that you wish was easier or even didn't exist. VTU CAMPUS wants to know which were the toughest subjects for either in the previous semesters or in the present semester. VTU CAMPUS APP in collaboration with InstantK would like to help you students prepare for such subjects in the best possible manner through Audio + Visual Experience which has been proved to be 7 times more effective then normal revision from your notes. We will be posting more about the new trend in studying in the coming days and hopefully it will help students who are finding it difficult to grasp the concepts and all students to score better.

So fill in the Form below and let us know the Subjects that have been most difficult for you to score/grasp and the team from Instantk will start preparing course materials with the help of VTU's Top faculties, A step-by-step guide for exam preperations, quick revision + previous QP solved.