Thursday 12 February 2015

Tips To Crack An Interview

Here are few tips for you to watch out for, when you’re attending a job interview which is a great opportunity to make an unforgettable impression on the company you are willing to join
1.Body language
    Your body language is one of the most important objective that the company looks for. And that wholly includes the way you walk, the way you sit or stand, or even when you handshake. Though your nerves are high at the moment, make sure you don’t let that on your face. Fake a smile and a confidence throughout your interview and you’re good to succeed.
2.Body posture
     Leaning for about 45 degrees inwards and clasping your hands together on the table shows that the person is actually interested in you and is listening to you carefully. And remember stooping or an obvious lean is not the thing I am suggesting you to do.
    Crossed leg posture is always a sign of arrogance and egoistic nature, thereby I suggest you to maintain your leg stiff. However, crossing at your ankle wouldn’t be a botheration.
3.Build your confidence
      A little trick to enhance your confidence could be to go into a washroom , before the interview and put your hands up in the air while looking at a mirror, take a deep breath and say it out loud enough for yourself that you’re a winner and you believe that you can do this. This could actually help you relax and hence decrease the testosterone level in your body which is a cause for producing stress.
4.Blissfulness and gratitude
         The interviewers are always likely to prefer confident students, but being pleasant and blissful has its own role to play. Its also a part where you give them the idea that you’re not over confident about yourself. So make sure you smile a lot with your confidence. And don’t forget to go up and personally thank the interviewer with a nice handshake after the interview, it’s a pleasant gesture.
5.Dress codes
          The only dress code you need to follow is to wear a formal clothing and a very subtle dress. Girls could opt for western of traditional outfits, which they’re comfortable with. Avoid prints on your kurtis if you opt for traditional dress. A plain and sober dress would be preferred. For western outfits, always try a light color shirts like white or blue with dark color trousers and please note that your shoe color and the belt color matches with each other.
   The same goes for the guys as well, a light colored shirt with black trousers would be suggestable. And the color of your shoe and belt must match. And while choosing the shoe, make sure it’s a lays tied one, because it’s kind of a sign that you’re not a lazy person who broods about spendig a little amount of time on tying the lays.
6.Don’t forget those documents
       You’ll never know what scenarios could come up to you! So always keep an original document and two or more copies of all the documents you would require for the interview. Arrange the documents precisely in a good file, preferably a leather file rather then a plastic one so that you don’t have to search for them and mess up at the interviewer’s desk.