Saturday 7 April 2018


Let's start by saying Sorry. We apologize to all our readers and students out there for being inactive for the last couple of month. We had a few internal issues to sort out before we could continue providing all of you with the best possible application out there.

Now that we are back, we would be focusing on providing all of you with the latest question papers on the latest syllabus and so much more. Also please do keep an eye out for new updates.

In the mean time, we bring you a best seller for you to learn from and use the power of your mind to achieve success in life, be it studies or material gain. At first, let's take a look at Think and Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich has earned itself the reputation of being considered a textbook for actionable techniques that can help one get better at doing anything, not just by rich and wealthy, but also by people doing wonderful work in their respective fields. There are hundreds and thousands of successful people in the world who can vouch for the contents of this book. At the time of authors death, about 20 million copies had already been sold.